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Working on a Budget

So... I'm a college student. And I work on a budget. Throwin' a healthy hair journey into the mix was a bit of a challenge cause I'm broke. And a lot of times I'm in Sally's trying to decide if I want to eat this week or take care of my hair. lol It's not that bad :) But overtime, the conditioners, brushes, products, etc can add up.

So, I just about hit the JACKPOT of all hair products Thanksgiving Day weekend. I was actually at Big Lots to return a product (VO5 deep conditoner) because I read on its label, after I bought it, that it has protein. I don't need any more protein products (had enough overloads as it is).

Anyway, so I wander over to the hair aisle after my return. I see a few items but nothing strikes my interest. I go an aisle over the shampoos/conditioners/body lotion (their aisle setup is so weird! lol) and ...HEAVEN! Huge bottles of shampoo's and conditoners with GREAT ingredients for really cheap. I didn't see anything over $5 and these were huge bottles... like the one's you see in BSS's for "salon use only".
Various oils, no harsh sulfates, etc

I didn't want to become a product junkie so I'm trying to finish off a lot of the products I currently own before I feed my PJism at Big Lots (probably this Saturday). I've really become attached to my Aveda Rosemary Mint Conditioner. I dilute it with about 2 parts water and use it as a leave-in. It has rosemary, peppermint, jojoba and several other oils and I usually apply it to my new growth/scalp and massage it in; leaves my hair so soft.

I'm running low on the Aveda RMC and it's retail value online is $10. I found an Aveda supplier near my hometown, but don't think I'm willing to pay $10. So hopefully I'll find a good knock off at Big Lots.

I also need a Deep Conditoner and want to try Aubrey's Organic's Honeysuckle Rose Conditoner or find a cheap knock-off at Big Lots. Click here for ingredients

If you have a Big Lots near you, I'd suggest going! And if you strike gold somewhere else for cheap, let me know!


I lost some hair after I neglected to moisturize for a few days AND didn't wear my scarf at night. In my defense, it's finals week! I've been studying like crazy and not getting enough sleep. But after my friend mentioned how dry my hair was on Friday, I moisturized on Saturday. My hair was HARD and breaking off so bad!!!!!! I made sure to moisturize and have been keeping up with it since but definitely a set-back for my hair growth