Been noticing a few things over this break and over this hair journey...
I'm not sure if my hair likes Pre-Poos. I could be wrong. But, for now, I'm officially switching to Deep Conditioning before Co-washes. I found a great DC mix that my hair loves (Lustrasilk, Honey, Salt, EVCO, Aloe Vera Gel). I rarely shampoo anymore and my hair seems to be happy. So here is my updated regimen:
Co-wash 2x week.
DC 2x week before co-washes.
Moisturize/Seal 2x daily.
MN 1x day at night.
Heat (w/ protectant) 2x month (no more than).
Light Protein before and after Heat.
*Add salt to DCs.
*Add honey to DCs.
*Apply leave-ins before MN.
Also, I experimented and found a great face wash that you can make from household items. Since the hair journey, my face has been extra oily from all the oils I use on my hair. I use Walmart-brand facial cloths to wash my face but wanted to find something a little stronger. I mixed
lemon juice,
baking soda and
and made a thin paste. I used a cotton pad and applied it to my face. I let it sit on for a few minutes and then wiped it off with a warm wash rag, before doing a final rinse with cold water. I then mixed some of my aloe vera gel with my facial moisturizer and... voila! My skin looks youthful, bright and clean... almost like I have makeup on! I took pictures so they should be on Fotki in the next week.
Trying Bantu Knots tonight... hope they come out good for New Year's Eve!
God bless and Happy New Years.
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